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An Overview of What We Believe...


Scriptures - The Holy Bible is the plenary, verbally inspired Word of God, without error in the original. It is our complete and only authority for all our beliefs, doctrine, conduct and opinions.  

God - There is only one true, living and eternal God - the God of the Holy Bible.


Creation - Six literal days of creation by God.


Man - Is a special creation of God, created in the image of God.


Fall - All mankind is sinful by nature and choice.


Salvation - Is wholly by grace and is not dependent upon any human merit (no work or payment of our own).  Is to be received by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.  


Repentance - Is a change of heart and mind away from sin and toward God.  


Sanctification - Believers are set apart positionally unto God at salvation by the Holy Spirit.  Practical sanctification is progressive as the believer grows and submits to God.


Righteous & Wicked - Only those who are justified by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are truly righteous in God's esteem.  All unbelievers, however virtuous they may appear, are wicked in God's sight.  


Church - The Universal Church is composed of all born again believers since the day of Pentecost to the Rapture.  The local NT Church is a body of born-again believers, baptized upon confession of faith into the membership of the local church. The local church is self-governing and holds two offices - Pastor & Deacon.  


Ordinances - Participated in as a local church with no saving merit.  Believer's baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper (Communion) as a reminder of what Christ has done for us.


Separation - The Bible commands us to separate entirely from worldliness (unrighteousness) and ecclesiastical apostasy unto God.


Eschatology - Christ's bodily return where the dead in Christ shall be raised with glorified bodies.  Living believers will be given glorified bodies without experiencing death.  All shall ascend to be forever with the Lord. This event is called the Rapture which occurs before the seven-year Tribulation.


*This is just a brief summary of our beliefs not including detail and Scripture.

Contact us for more information!









We are a church plant whose Pastor is a Church Planter associated with Baptist Church Planters.  Our goal is to reach our communities with the Gospel of Christ, grow through the teaching of the Word, and graduate as a vibrant local church in the Greater Worcester area!  Come grow with us.



774-239-7144        Pastor's cell


379 Greenwood St.

Millbury, MA   01527

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